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  • 29 May 2016 6:01 PM | Ben Ellis (Administrator)

     Maryland Turfgrass Council

    Last Chance to get the RECERTIFICATION

    of YOUR MD Pesticide and MD Fertilizer Applicator Licenses!!

    When: Friday, June 24, 2016

    Place: University of MD

    Turfgrass Research Farm

    395 Greenmeade Dr.

    College Park, MD 20742

    Cost: Free to MTC Members

    $50 to Non-MTC Members

    Registration: 8-9 am

    Class: 9 am -1 pm

    You can recertify both licenses by attending 1 class

    Please pre-register by using one of the phone numbers or the e-mail below.

    All Licenses expire Thursday June 30 unless YOU re-certify.

    Vernon W. Cooper | Executive Director

    O. 410-745-9643 | C. 443-742-6618 | F.410-745-8867


  • 15 May 2016 5:32 PM | Ben Ellis (Administrator)

    Institute of Applied Agriculture Celebrates 50 Years

    On Saturday May 14 2016, the University of Maryland Institute of Applied Agriculture celebrated 50 years of growing careers in agriculture with its 50th Anniversary Gala at the University of Maryland Marriott Hotel and Conference Center. Tony Pagnotti had the welcoming remarks and  was the nights emcee. Current students, alumni and friends of the IAA were encouraged by the remarks from Dr. Craig Beyrouty, the dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and from Gloria Hyman, director of the IAA, who gave the toast for the 'Tute.  
    Next up was Dr. Kevin Matthias, who then reflected on the 50 years of the Institute of Applied Agriculture and the student experience at the IAA.
    Attendees had the opportunity to bid on dozens of silent auction items, many of which were donated by IAA students and alumni.
    The MTC is a proud sponsor of the IAA 50th Anniversary Gala and congratulates IAA for its support of the turf industry. 

    A group picture of IAA alumni, which included some members from the very first class to the most recent. Congratulations to all of them.
    Golf ball gift for the event

  • 17 Apr 2016 2:26 PM | Ben Ellis (Administrator)

                In 2015 we started a “Turfgrass Education Sponsors Program” to provide our vendors, supporters, friends and members of the MTC yet another opportunity to get your company name and web page out to all of the industry.  Response was so favorable that we have decided to expand the program more this year in hopes of doubling or perhaps even surpassing that goal.  YOU are invited to:

    Become a 2016 PLATINUM Sponsor with a $2500 donation.  As a Platinum Sponsor you will be listed on all the sponsor's signs, be encouraged to display a table top display at all the above functions FREE of CHARGE and we will list your company name on our letter head plus we will list your company name and web page linked to your web page on our web “Sponsors” page and all e-blasts we do throughout the year.  Additionally, you will be entitled to exhibit FREE of CHARGE using a single booth at the next M.A.T.E. Conference (additional booth space maybe purchased directly from M.A.T.E.) or to enter a foursome at the Annual MTC/Angie Cammarota Golf Tournament for Turfgrass Research.

    Become a 2016 GOLD Sponsor with a $1000 donation.  As a Gold Sponsor you will be listed on all the sponsor's signs, be encouraged to display a table top display at all the “Bronze Sponsor” functions FREE of CHARGE (except the M.A.T.E. Conference) and we will list your company name on our letter head plus we will list your company name and web page linked to your own web page on our web “Sponsors” page and all e-blasts we do throughout the year (a new system we just started that is working very well).

    Become a 2016 SILVER Sponsor with a $500 donation.  As a Silver Sponsor we will provide the same signs showing your company name and web site at all the same function as the Bronze Sponsor, plus you will be encouraged to display a table top display at all the “Bronze Sponsor” functions FREE of CHARGE (except the M.A.T.E. Conference).

    Become a 2016 BRONZE Sponsor with a $250 donation.  As a Bronze Sponsor we will provide signs showing your company name and web site at all the MTC Sponsored Pesticide and Fertilizer Applicator Recertification Classes, The MTC/Angie Cammarota Golf Tournament and at the MTC Display at next winter's M.A.T.E. Conference plus any other MTC sponsored activities.

                Please complete the form on the back and return as soon as possible

                Please be generous and be a “2016 Turfgrass Education Sponsor” and help us continue supporting the University of Maryland Turfgrass Program for 2016.


    Company Name                                                                                                          Company Contact


    Company Web Page Address

    _____$2500 PLATINUM Sponsor - Your Company Name and Web Site on signs at MTC Functions and encourage to display a table top        display at all MTC functions. List your company name on our letter head, list your company name and web page linked to your own web page on our web “Sponsors” page and all e-blasts throughout the year. PLUS, exhibit FREE of CHARGE, using a single booth, at the next M.A.T.E. Conference (additional booth space maybe purchased directly from M.A.T.E.) or a foursome at the Annual MTC/Angie Cammarota Golf Tournament for Turfgrass Research.

     ____$1000 GOLD Sponsor - Your Company Name and Web Site on signs at MTC Functions and encourage to display a table top display at all MTC functions (except M.A.T.E. Conf.). PLUS, list your company name on our letter head, list your company name and web page linked to your own web page on our web “Sponsors” page and all e-blasts we do throughout the year.

    ____$500 SILVER Sponsor – Your Company Name and Web Site on signs at MTC Functions PLUS encourage to display a table top display at all MTC functions (except M.A.T.E. Conf.)

    ____ $250 BRONZE Sponsor – Your Company Name and Web Site on signs at MTC Functions

    ____Check (Made Payable to MTC)                           ____Credit Card #________________________

                                                                                        _____ Exp. Date   ____ Security Code (back)


                                                                                        __________________________________________                                                                                                                                     Name on Credit Card


                                                                                                    Address where Credit Card Bill is sent

                   Thank You!!

    Click on one of our downloadable 2016 Turfgrass Education Sponsor Letters now!

    MTC Sponsorship Letter.pdf

    MTC Sponsorship Letter.docx

  • 21 Mar 2016 12:10 PM | Ben Ellis (Administrator)

    We have a few new website updates and features that you should know about:

    1. Employment Opportunities: You can now look at current job listings or post an opening for your company. 

    To post a job listing please send us an email and we can set it up. The fee is $25 for Non-MTC members, and FREE for current MTC members.

    2. Turf Technical Bulletins: Dr. Turner from the University of Maryland has sent us a few updated TT- Bulletins for you to use and look at. Dr. Turner is working on a few more as we speak and when they are completed we will be posting them to the MTC Publications page, so please check back.

  • 15 Mar 2016 7:56 PM | Ben Ellis (Administrator)

    March Pesticide and Professional Fertilizer Re-Certification Recap

    Over 60 turfgrass professionals attended the Maryland Turfgrass Council re-certification held at the Maryland Department of Agriculture on March 10. The continuing education session provided an opportunity for attendees to gain valuable education from the University of Maryland turfgrass research team, earn both fertilizer and pesticide re-certification credits and network with fellow professionals. The training and catered lunch were free to MTC members.

    The MTC would like to thank our lunch sponsors: Chesapeake Valley Seed, Jacobsen Turf Equipment, Newsom Seed, Pennington Seed, and Turf Equipment and Supply Company. Thank you very much to all of our educational sponsors to make this a free event with a great lunch for all MTC members!

    More pesticide re-certification trainings are being organized for this spring…stay tuned for more information on dates and locations!

    Lunch Sponsors 


  • 13 Feb 2016 2:04 PM | Ben Ellis (Administrator)

            WELCOME HOME!

    Welcome to the new and improved MTC website. This new website will allow us to keep our members up to date on what is going on inside the organization as well as what is happening in the Turfgrass Industry.


    I am sure this website is not perfect, but we are always going to be working on improvements. If you have questions, please shoot us an email. If you have a recommendation, let us know! We are here to serve our members (YOU) so your feedback is important to us.

    We hope you like what we have done. 

    Please let us know how we can improve! We appreciate your feedback.

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The Maryland Turfgrass Council      P.O. Box 389, St. Michaels, MD 21663   Phone: (443) 742-6618       

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